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Who passed away, and you went to your first funeral?

All of us can remember the earliest funeral that we went to. Our closet family members we cherished. This week we want to remember how it felt for them to no longer be with us, and then just remember how we touch the lives around us today.

Here are Our Stories for this week:

Next week, send in your stories. This what we will be sharing:

Week 3: 21 January 2023

"Who was the best baker or cook in your family? What did they make that you liked? Is there a relative that can make the things they made?"

You might have a story that will help someone, so dig as deep as you can. Get the stories out there.

  1. Send your story to me: I will post it here on Our Stories.

  2. Write a blog post. Give me the URL.

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Hi, I'm Robin R. Foster

African American Family Historians | Our Stories (

I am the co-founder and owner of Genealogy Just Ask, LLC at

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Creativity. Productivity. Vision.


Thanks for submitting!

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